Monday, November 5, 2012

Apple cider caramels

A friend sent me this recipe for apple cider caramels from the Smitten Kitchen blog.  I am not a big follower of other people's food blogs, but this one seems to be a very good one, and this recipe looked too good for words.

I'll admit that I've been getting more into caramels in recent years, but even if I was not a caramel person, these are SO GOOD.

All you do is boil down the cider until it is fairly syrupy, then mix in butter, sugar, cream, sea salt, and cinnamon.  Heat until it is soft ball stage, then pour in a pan lined with parchment paper.  (See the link above for the full recipe.)

These are like apple pie in a caramel.  So.  Good.  Looks like I may have to follow the Smitten Kitchen blog after all...

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