Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Brussels sprouts in the buff

At the last Daley Center farmers' market, I picked up a large...well, I don't know exactly what it is. But it had Brussels sprouts on it.

You can see that I've cut off a few Brussels sprouts off of the...tree...thing. It is really weird. Apparently this is how the sprouts grow. I joked with my coworkers that I was going to decorate this thing like a Christmas tree and stick it on my desk.

I made Brussels sprouts lardons with the sprouts I cut off, and I'm not going to post about that because I already have. This post is really just to show you the bizarro photo. But because the sprouts were so new and fresh, and they'd been allowed to ripen on the "branch," they were really soft and tasty. Oh, and I made it with homemade chicken stock, too, so that was really good.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that photo - freaky stuff going on in my kitchen.

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