Thursday, August 25, 2011

More pickled beets

I have already done one set of pickled beets, but I thought it was time for another, as a pile of them was starting to build up in my fridge. Bunny usually gets the greens, but my coworker gets the beets.

I used a recipe from my preserving cookbook, which contained lots of red wine vinegar and also some spices, including a bay leaf, cinnamon stick, and some star anise. Boil all of that for an hour or two, until the beets are fully cooked, and can in pint mason jars.

I made a mistake again and peeled the beets before the boiling, so apparently that meant that they "bled" more. But, considering that half of the beets were a pale variety, I figured that meant that they all wound up a pinkish color. (Right?)

I also sliced them this time, since they're easier to eat that way, and also easier to fit into the jar.

I'm a bit overwhelmed with produce from the CSA lately, so mostly I've just been making stuff up. Also, I've been so tired from my new job that I've been pretty much passing out after dinner. It's not that the work is particularly stressful, it's just stressful to learn a new environment. So anyway, I haven't had much energy to either cook or blog.

Hopefully as I get settled in, that will change. I haven't used the ice cream maker for a while...

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