Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Superbowl foods

I was invited to a Superbowl party this weekend, and I brought two items:  beer cheese spread and triple chocolate malt cookies.  Both were well received.

The triple chocolate malt cookies came from The Art of Breakfast, a delicious brunch / breakfast cookbook with a variety of recipes.  Cookies for breakfast sounds weird, so I decided to make them for the party instead.

They are full of delicious things, such as butter, nutella, chocolate malt powder, regular chocolate powder, and lots of vanilla.

They don't look like much, but they are tasty.  Some of them were in a little too long and were overcooked as a result, but I really wasn't sure when to take them out because they remain so, so squishy in the oven and harden up very fast when dry.

The beer cheese spread was from The Brewpub Cookbook, a cute little book that a coworker lent me.  It contains a collection of recipes from brewpubs across the United States.

The recipe contains a few cheeses - cream cheese, bleu cheese, and sharp white cheddar cheese - as well as spices, like paprika, pepper, and hot sauce.  And, of course, beer.  I even used some of our home brewed beer!  It all goes into a food processor until smooth.

I really liked this.  I served it in a bowl with toasted baguette slices that I bought at a winter farmers' market.  I have also been putting it in tacos this week for lunch.  And there is still some left over anyway, so I will probably be serving it to some guys that Dave is having over on Thursday night.

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